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New Gen. Leaders Program

New Gen. Leaders - Design Principles

New Gen. Leader (NGL) Program is designed for Talent and High Potential. Often known as a capable technical manager, this high calibre group of talent often have many of good qualities and positive attitudes. The challenge for them is how can they create a bigger impact to their team or even a bigger team. Therefore, among the first step is to introduce them to the concept of personality and individual differences. Next, they need to learn basis leadership skills on how to manage self, lead the team, engage them, and develop them.

NGL Program provides a platform for candidates to work across departments and build a strong alliance which, ultimately, will yield a great benefit to an organization. Coaching dialog will bridge the gap between what they learn in class and what prevent them to achieve the outcomes. By engaging their SMT in the learning, Top Management are also held accountable to develop their talent and own the development outcomes.

  • Understand own strengths and weaknesses

  • Build fundamental of leadership competencies

  • Take on bigger responsibilities and bigger team

  • Develop and enhance people management skills

  • Define career aspirations and future path

  • Improve strategic and project planning skills & communication

  • Learn how to empower people

  • Handle difficult situations

  • Get ready to be future successor

  • Able to create Vision

Core Concept - Leadership Code

When Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood want to write their new books on Leadership, they started with Google Search (we all do) on the words 'Leadership' and surprised that this keywords got 2 Billion search results. Therefore, instead of writing new theory about leadership, they wonder how much Leadership is the same stuff. With this question, it led them to conduct researches to over 2,000 organizations and conducted over 200 interviews with the most respected CEO, Leadership Gurus around the world. To their surprise, it turn out majority of the leadership is similar stuff which they call it 'Leadership Code'.

There are five domains based on two dimensions whether it organization focus on people or task.

Second dimension is whether or not we focus on 'near-term' or 'long-term. With the focus of NGL Program, we give priority to 3 domains: Personal Proficiency, Executor, and Talent Manager.


The learning is rich in using psychometric assessment and 360 assessment to gain a perspective on personality and perception. Immediate outcomes are personal management and team effectiveness

Blended Learning Approach

With Leadership Code as a development framework, we integrate contents from our global partners. Since we also have experienced deliver these learnings ourselves, we selectively design the learning journey that relevance, practical, and impactful to our clients setting.


Typically, we start with either psychometric or 360 assessments that reflect personality and perception of learners. During the classroom session, we ask NGL to interact try new concepts, make mistake, and reflect from their learning. When they learn the new concept, they need to apply to their team. We often seek feedbacks from their team, summarize, and reflect back to the learner to see what 'work' and what 'doesn't work' for them.

One of the key integration part is Coaching. We have 3 combinations to ensure the effectiveness.

  • External Coaching: reflect on personality, barriers, road-block, and leadership competency point of view

  • Internal Coaching: reflect on the job itself, setting, relationships, job-specific challenge, job motivation

  • Three-Way Coaching: This unique set-up ensure the quality of coaching dialog including the sense of ownership of your organization talent, development priorities, career aspiration and growth

Second dimension is whether or not we focus on 'near-term' or 'long-term. With the focus of NGL Program, we give priority to 3 domains: Personal Proficiency, Executor, and Talent Manager.


The learning is rich in using psychometric assessment and 360 assessment to gain a perspective on personality and perception. Immediate outcomes are personal management and team effectiveness.

Outcomes from New Gen. Leaders Program

Main outcomes from NGL is behavior change to promote individual effectiveness and team effectiveness. Measurements can be divided into two categories:


1. Quantitative Measurement such as the comparative outcomes between Pre and Post Leadership Code 360, Team Feedbacks.

2. Qualitative Measurements such as feedbacks from SMT and CEO, overall perception of work collaboration.

CONTACT Us! for more details and success case stories.


Tel: 662+044-0009

Mobile: +668-028-1111

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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